Nishat Boys Junior School
Pir Khurshid Colony Road Multan

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nighat naseem

Principal's Message

Welcome to Nishat Boys Junior School Multan ‐ a great place to learn. It is both an exciting and challenging time as we all continue this educational journey together. From the last four decades, our Chairperson, Madam Nishat Khanum and Chief Executive, Mr. Alamgir Khan with their utmost efforts have improved the sense of community spirit and have built a pillar of educational symbol in private school system in Multan city which, now, is extremely important in our formative years and a very strong feature of the school's positive culture in the years to come. Your child's elementary school years are a special time in his or her life. Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make because a good education is the best gift you will ever be able to give to your children. Our children represent our hopes and dreams. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face future challenges. Our rich extra‐curricular program, which covers a vast array of kids’ activities such as sports, quiz competitions, educational expeditions, art and craft, worksheets, and many other pursuits, is designed to educate the children. I thank Almighty Allah who gave me the opportunity to serve as the Principal of Nishat Boys Junior School Pir Khurshid Colony Multan. My nineteen years of experience include serving as teacher, administrator, planner, parent educator, early childhood programmer, instructional coach, and strategic assistant under the supervision of our honourable Chief Executive, Mr. Alamgir Khan who has a vast experience of school management. We expect all our students to be "assessment capable” – able to answer three key questions about their learning – 'Where am I going?', 'How am I going?' and 'Where to go next?'. We live and work by them in all aspects of school life. We are an inclusive, caring Group of Schools and Colleges where staff, significant infrastructure, parents and students all work together to develop our future citizens and leaders. We welcome your consideration of us as your school of choice for your child.
Making a difference with EVERY child!
Principal Nighat Naseem

Branch Overview

We offer a broad range of services for small and large projects

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A Warm and Caring Start

Nishat Boys Junior School provides a wonderful education for pupils. Children achieve academically but yet are nurtured and recognized for their own unique talents. We are delighted to extend our Early Years school provision for 3 - 4 year olds in our new play group and nursery classes. Special attention is given to the kids of these classes. They are taught with a novel and interesting techniques to sharpen their inclination towards studies. Nishat Boys Junior School offers children a secure environment in which they are made capable to learn and socially develop at their individual pace. “We teach individuals and not classes” is the ethos of Nishat Group and this philosophy has its roots firmly embedded in our Junior Section.

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Innovating Teaching to Engage Young Minds

Nishat Boys Junior School is housed in a purpose built building, designed specifically for Early Years education. The classrooms boast the latest teaching resources and the designated environmental / activity area has been designed to create a wonderful learning environment for all the children in the School. We value the importance of indoor learning enormously and the children are highly encouraged to explore their talent and instinctive inclination with utmost serenity and tranquility of mind.

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The Learning Environment

Once you get inside the secure school perimeter, you can appreciate in full the school's setting. With nearly 4 kanals of land and a covered area of 80,000 sq ft., we possess adventure play areas, an environmental/activity area and several sitting places. The classrooms are bright, super cute, cheery and beautifully designed whilst the walls are decorated with inspiring displays of creativity. The school is equipped with interactive whiteboards and other necessary audio visual aids

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Happy, Healthy & Safe

We want all our children to thrive in an environment where they feel happy, safe and secure. We believe that the more resilient, resourceful and reflective they become, the more this helps them enjoy learning so that they may develop into resourceful, confident and independent individuals. We promote a healthy lifestyle by providing hygienic and nutritious food stuff to the students at the canteens, and by facilitating them with pure and filtered water throughout the day. We encourage our oldest children to become responsible members of our community and to help our younger children. They act as role models around the school. We do our utmost to make it easy for children to approach the staff with any problems and we teach that bullying is never acceptable behaviour.

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This good practice continues in our Play Group classes where we encourage each child to develop a capacity for independent thought and self-expression. We provide a balance of activities designed to stimulate their imagination and natural inquisitiveness – something that, in turn, helps to develop their self-confidence and love of learning.


Nurturing Begins in Our Nursery

The Little Ducklings Nursery is one of our greatest assets. We stimulate our children’s natural curiosity, nurture their capacity to learn and enable them to form relationships and to express themselves as individuals. Our junior students are taught in a variety of settings so that our children may benefit from working within both banded and mixed ability groups. We have a long established tradition of recognizing individual needs and by creating special ability groups. We enable all our children to realize their full potential. Throughout the latter stages of our children’s education, we continue to nurture their development. All subjects of the National Curriculum are enhanced by cross-curricular study, workshops and planned activities.

first year

Preparing Children for their First Year at School

Nishat Boys Junior School is the perfect foundation for preparing children for school. It provides a seamless transition to next classes and the children who leave the Junior School are confident and ready for the challenges that lie ahead. Children's learning capacity is developing gradually at this stage. Opportunities are provided to all to succeed and reach their full potential whilst their outstanding achievements and interests are highly valued during their academic sessions.

Academic System

A student’s performance is measured through different scales like class work, homework, round tests, terminal & annual examinations. Surprise class tests are the basic components of our assessment system to assess and encourage the hidden capabilities of the students.

Homework is considered to be the backbone of Assessment System as it promotes the students’ capabilities of doing task assigned by utilizing their creative skills in an organized way.

Quiz programs are also organized to check the students’ I.Q. level and their approach towards academic syllabus. Round tests are also conducted to prepare the students for terminal examinations. Syllabus is divided into different segments among all the round tests.

Students are promoted to next class on their achieved passing percentage (50% in each subject). In annual examinations, top three position holders are rewarded with merit certificates along with the trophies and prizes while other top ten students are rewarded with different kinds of prizes. In regular terminal examinations, top ten students are rewarded with different kinds of prizes. Students always remain very conscious of the kind of prize given in every terminal examination for which they work very hard. 


Attendance Reports

Monthly attendance reports are given to each and every student, and the students are asked to get them signed necessarily by their parents. The main purpose of this exercise is to make sure that students don’t bluff their parents by absenting themselves from the campus and to develop a sense of responsibility and awareness regarding attendance among them. This report clearly shows the attendance percentage of the students. In this way, parents are informed of the regularity of their child every month.

Home Assgn

Home Assignments

Homework plays a vital role in upgrading the students’ abilities and capabilities. Homework is based on classwork so that the students may complete their task easily on their own at home. Assigned homework of all the subjects is divided equally in the working days of the week. The homework of English, Urdu and Mathematics is assigned on daily basis while the homework of other subjects is assigned on alternate days. Parents can easily have a view of syllabus / classwork covered through home task assigned, and can help their child in learning the material.

Internal inspection

Internal Inspection

• Re-checkers & Super re-checkers inspect the material taught in the class by the class teachers.

• Academic Coordinators play a vital role in internal inspection. They are properly trained & experienced for this purpose. It is their prior duty to submit the report of daily performance of the teachers to the Principal at the end of each day.

• In the end, the Principal super-checks the work of the class teachers, checkers, helpers, re-checkers, Super re-checkers, and even the coordinators’ performance is also inspected keenly.

external inspection

External Inspection

The Director forms an Inspection Team on his own. The team is authorized to inspect any Branch at any time. It is the premier duty of the team to present the actual report on the basis of facts and figures in order to ensure the quality of education.


Progress Reports

Progress of a child is the result of collective efforts of the teachers as well as of the parents. Institute bears the responsibility to make the parents informed of the progress of their child. Every result of terminal examinations is checked and signed by the Chief Executive, and then progress reports are given to the students to get them signed necessarily by their parents. Solved answer sheets are also given back to the students to let them know their mistakes and causes of failure. Parents can easily approach the teachers and administration by visiting Campus Office during the Campus timings to discuss the academic condition of their child. Progress reports are to be signed and returned by the parents/guardians within two days from the date of issuance.


Grand Test Report

Grand Tests are given before the terminal examinations to prepare the students for them. Since these tests are at gross root level, the students get an ample opportunity to ask questions about different topics during the revision of the assigned syllabus. The result cards of the grand tests are mailed directly to the parents so that they may observe the performance of their child in the class on regular basis.

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Teaching Strategies

At Nishat Boys Junior School, different teaching strategies are exercised like group discussions, educational activities, emphasis on writing skills, working on science projects, research skills building, knowledge and ideas sharing. Key skills and different educational techniques are exercised in various classes to enable the students to proceed towards the level of comprehension and competence. In an English medium institute, it is compulsory to make the student speak English fluently and unhesitatingly in the presence of his teachers and other fellow students. If the students feel reluctance in speaking English confidently, parents are required to provide them with friendly environment to promote and enrich their speaking skills

parent teacher

Parent Teacher Meeting

Every child’s achievements are celebrated through individual learning journals which monitor each child’s progress and are shared with parents on a regular basis. Parents play a vital role in the education of their child. Strong communication link between parents and teachers is of key importance if children are to reach their true potential. Parent teacher meeting is one of the prominent features of the academic activities of the institute. This activity is frequently exercised specially during the round tests and terminal examinations. During these meetings, the parents get informed of the academic performance of their kids. Their drawbacks in performance are vividly discussed during these meetings. Various strategies are devised in this regard by both the teachers and the parents. The consistent link between the teachers and the parents makes the students utterly involved in their studies. This frequent process has positive and productive effect on the students by making them alert, responsible and profoundly involved in their studies. Meetings are arranged in a quite serene environment with sumptuous high-tea. Parents can easily have a view of syllabus / classwork covered through home task assigned, and can help their child in learning the material.

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Special Communication with Parents

In the most exceptional circumstances, parents can contact the relevant coordinator to arrange an individual Parent Teacher meeting during and after the school hours. We hold special parent consultations and the teacher is readily available at other times if the need arises to discuss their child. The Administration of Nishat Boys Junior School strongly suggests that parents must benefit this facility by discussing the academic condition of their child which will definitely prove helpful to the parents, the teachers and the students. All of the three main concerned parties get a good opportunity to understand each other, and with mutual coordination, parents and teachers can remove any shortcomings which a student is facing in the class.

Campus Facilities

We build the real value

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Effective learning is only possible in the class rooms where the environment is conducive. Classrooms in Nishat Boys High School have been designed and constructed keeping in view all the aspects of teaching learning process. Each classroom accommodates strength of 40 students. All the classrooms are super cute, cheery, well decorated, capacious, airy and well-lit.

play area

Play Area

Keeping in view the students’ physical activities and mental refreshment, a specific space as play area has been allocated. In this area, the students play on swings and rides and enjoy themselves during their recess time and leisure.

Drinking water

Drinking Water

Deep well turbines have been installed in the school so that the students may enjoy clean and healthy drinking water. Electric water coolers with purification filters have also been installed to facilitate the students with pure, filtered and cool water during the summer season.



Students need a space where they can sit and relax themselves during their spare time. For this purpose, capacious canteens having comfortable seating have been introduced where students can get a variety of nutritious and hygienic food stuff.



To cope with any emergency, the Campus does have the facility of a well-managed dispensary. Trained paramedical staff has been appointed to treat the sick students. Besides this, a complete first-aid kit is also available to facilitate the students in general.



A vast area inside and outside the Campus premises is available to meet the parking needs of the students, Faculty Members as well as visitors.

power backup

Power Backup

Nishat Boys Junior School has heavy duty generators so that the students may not suffer the agony caused by load shedding. The facility of Uninterrupted Power Supply enables the students to continue their academic pursuits without any fear of hindrance.


Security & Surveillance

Now-a-days, security is a serious concern for everyone. That is why vigilant, powerful and visionary administration of Nishat Boys Junior School has taken concrete steps in this regard. The most advanced security system comprising 30 CCTV cameras has been installed to cover each and every corner of the Campus including entrance and exit with an intention to monitor the activities of all kinds round the clock. A professional security staff comprising twelve vigilant individuals is always alert with an intention to ensure security.


The Nishatians participate in different events and functions during the year.


Sports Festival

Sports festival is a very grand and colorful event of sports in which hundreds of students of different branches participate in different games like cricket, football, table tennis, badminton, tug of war, 100 meter race, sack race and frog race, etc. Students are divided into three camps i.e., The Nishatian Eagles, The Nishatian Tigers and The Nishatian Bulls. The Winner of the three teams is awarded with shields while the runner-up gets the medals. During these matches, the School is decorated with colorful banners, ribbons, buntings and balloons. Music is played along with live commentary. If somebody plays well, drummers start beating drums loudly to appreciate the winning team. In a nutshell, everybody enjoys this event.

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Summer Festival

Before summer holidays, summer festival is arranged. In this event, students get the opportunity to show their talent on stage by performing live in the presence of hundreds of viewers. Students participate in dramas, folk dances and comedy-skits, etc.

Mothers Day

Mother's Day

Mother’s day held every four years is considered to be the prime function under the keen supervision of Madam Nishat Khanum. Everything, from decoration of school to the training of the students in different events, is done to the level of perfection. Students along with their parents from all the branches are invited to watch this beautiful and well organized event. On this occasion, real gold and silver medals were awarded to the students who stood first or got positions in school and in BISE examinations during last four years.

flower show

Flower Show

The Nishat Group of Schools and Colleges actively participates in Jashan-e-Baharan event organized by The District Government Multan, and always wins special prizes among all the participants. In this event, the students of The Nishat Group of Schools and Colleges decorate their stalls with beautiful flower arrangements and other handmade characters in a very artistic way which clearly reflects our culture. Hundreds of people visit our flower show and appreciate the efforts of the institute and the students.


Science Exhibition

The Nishat Group of Schools and Colleges also makes arrangements for science exhibitions in its campuses in which hundreds of students participate. They come up with different and unique ideas, and make models related to different fields of science such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Computer Science. Parents are also invited to this event to watch the performance of their child and other students. They appreciate and applaud the efforts of the students and the administration of the Nishat Group of Schools and Colleges.

Our Administration Team

We build the real value!

Name: Rukhsana Nawaz
Mobile: 0334-6010884
Coordinator: Play Group to Nursery


Name: Naila Perveen
Mobile: 0304-7088863
Coordinator: Prep to Class 1


Name: Bushra Tasneem
Mobile: 0332-4465396
Coordinator Class 2 and class 3